Period Sex - It's Bloody Great

The Benefits of Period Sex
Not only is period sex fun, it actually has some hidden benefits. For example, having sex on your period can actually work as a pain relief and help reduce menstrual cramps and pain. How? Well, having sex releases endorphins. Not only do endorphins improve your mood (hello giggles during sex), but are also considered to be the body’s natural pain relievers! Period pain and cramps are the result of your uterus contracting to release its lining. When you have an orgasm, the muscles in your uterus and pelvis contract and then release and this release can bring some much needed comfort.
On top of this, if you tend to be on the moodier side during your period, having sex can actually help combat this! In the cocktail of hormones released during sex, we have dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamine is known as the happiness hormone, and is released during orgasm. This helps you feel desire, pleasure and motivation, which is great if you find yourself anxious or moody during your period. Oxytocin is the cuddle hormone, which makes you feel love, connection and attachment. This is especially beneficial if your partner is usually the one to bear the brunt of your menstrual mood swings.
Talk It Out
Although you and I might be all for doing the dirty during our periods, it is important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner before engaging in it. You may be asking yourself “why wouldn’t my partner want to have sex with me even though I’m on my period”, but truthfully, not everyone is interested in it. In fact, around half the population don’t like the idea of period sex! Try bringing up the topic in a non sexual/romantic place, so your partner doesn’t feel pressure doing it and giving them time to think about it if they need. Remember, if your partner was born a male, chances are they’ve never experienced a period and blood can be scary!
Tips for Enjoyable Period Sex
Although you can treat period sex just like regular sex, there are a few things you might want to consider to make it a more enjoyable experience.
Placing a towel or something similar on the bed can ease your mind about the mess. Even though you actually don’t lose more than a few teaspoons of blood during your whole period, things can still get a bit messy. A towel underneath is easy to wash and helps keep your bed nice and clean.
Consider using lube. Even though things may feel slippery and wet due to your period, lube enhances the sex and can give you better orgasms. It also makes things easier if using a toy!
Consider your position. Some people with periods experience some discomfort in their pelvic area during that time of the month, so experimenting with the positions that work best for you and your partner is the go. If you’re unsure which position to start with, try spooning!
Remember that just because you’re on your period, doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant. So use a condom and make sure that it’s on properly! Plus, using condoms makes cleaning up so much easier!
Period sex has a lot of benefits, from helping menstrual cramps to elevating your mood and bringing a new feeling of connection between you and your partner. Although it can be daunting, especially the mess, there are ways to make the experience more enjoyable. Things such as putting a towel down, using plenty of lube and a condom will help keep things cleaner while you’re doing the dirty. If period sex is something you want to experiment with, it is important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner to make sure you’re both on the same page.